Visiting Paris? Follow These Rules…

Photo courtesy of joshuaphilippesy

I don’t usually re-post my weekly articles from BitchBuzz but given the heightened presence of tourists swarming the city, I felt it necessary to share my rules (modified from its original version) for visiting Paris at any time of year for my own readers. Enjoy!

Anyone that has ever prepared a trip to Paris has undoubtedly asked themselves the same question – a question based largely on stereotypes and media depictions: “aren’t the Parisians rude?” Well, yes and no. While they are most certainly less gregarious and smiley than their Anglophone counterparts, Parisians are not always as surly and difficult as their reputation precedes them. There are certain rules, often tacit, that Parisians expect people to follow. This is true for locals and tourists and can be applied to any city. New Yorkers, for example, aren’t exactly the image of friendliness and hospitality, having to contest their own somewhat dubious reputation. Yet perhaps what is problematic is the word tourist as it immediately turns an otherwise intelligent, cultured individual into a fumbling, oblivious imbecile. Let me give you an example. Recently, I was waiting in line at a busy clothing store when an American woman in her forties,…

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