Franco File Friday: Denise from The Swelle Life

Back when I was investigating the Paris cupcake scene for one of my BitchBuzz articles, I looked at a lot of cupcake photos online and many blogs that talked about either loving or hating them. Somehow along the line during my research I stumbled upon a Canadian blogger named Denise based in London who featured a weekly series called “Cupcake Monday” on her popular, fashion-focused blog, The Swelle Life. After perusing her site and following her more regularly, I discovered she frequently expressed a profound love not only for style and sweets but for Paris as well.

After exchanging countless messages, we finally met over Easter weekend in Paris at a café on rue Montorgueil (where else?) while she was visiting with her husband and daughter for a week. We talked about France, England, fashion, kids, illnesses (don’t ask) and our mutual love of writing. She spoke enthusiastically about the multi-brand boutique she launched after observing the success of her blog. Swelle Boutique, her online shop, features one-off and limited edition pieces from independent designers, including the bags designed by my friend and fellow blogger, Kasia Dietz. Denise is well-versed in fashion history and understands the city’s pivotal role in its evoution. But…

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