Alone in the Louvre

Louvre, Paris
The ineffable magic of Paris can be experienced almost anywhere – on its well-worn boulevards and cobblestoned market streets to its vintage shopping enclaves and ostensibly old-fashioned bistros that bookend each corner. But for me, the city is at its most ethereal early on a Sunday morning or late at night once the din of crowds and car traffic subsides. Walk out your door at dawn on a weekend and you’ll find that the silence is almost electric; the emptiness hauntingly beautiful. 
Imagine that feeling within the illustrious walls of France’s most iconic museum. Filmmaker Florent Igla’s “Path to Beauty” offers a rare look inside the Louvre’s cavernous halls, without the throngs of visitors, cleaning staff or security guards to obstruct the views. Even from afar, the journey through art and history is exceptional.

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